martes, 22 de octubre de 2024

Parque Acuatico en CHUS 2023

Muchas de las cosas que han quedado pendientes durante este año, por un motivo u otro.
Urna del hospital de Santiago de Compostela

Aqui lo que es importante resaltar.... un poco del punto de vista de Lorelai (13 años) es que dentro de las escenas que aparecen hay guiños a distintas situaciones importantes y comicas, dos de las mas importantes, que van en el marco del respeto a la diversidad es una pareja de lesbianas que van de la mano (aparecen en la primera foto) donde tambien aparece una mama amenazando con la chancla a su hija, que ademas de ser algo gracioso es un guiño a la cultura sudamericana (de su adorada madre peruana) y una familia de bañistas negritos, en la piscina con el pulpo como guiño a la diversidad racial.

Many of the things that have been left pending during this year, for one reason or another.
Urn from the hospital in Santiago de Compostela

Here what is important to highlight... a little bit of Lorelai's point of view (13 years old) is that within the scenes that appear there are winks to different important and funny situations, two of the most important, which are within the framework of respect for diversity, are a lesbian couple that go hand in hand (they appear in the first photo) where a mother also appears threatening her daughter with her flip-flop, which besides being something funny is a wink to South American culture (from her beloved Peruvian mother) and a family of black bathers, in the pool with the octopus as a wink to racial diversity.


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